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In literacy at St Clement of Rome we provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge of Reading, Writing and Oral Language to enable them to fully participate in their world.

At St Clement of Rome we:

  • collaboratively plan and implement a structured and comprehensive literacy program P-6 with explicit teaching of knowledge and skills in Reading, Writing and Oral Language

  • integrate literacy where possible in our inquiry units to ensure our experiences are real, hands on and challenging for our students

  • provide literacy support to classroom teachers and students to improve teaching and learning

  • utilise current technology and resources to enhance our programs and assist in providing students with skills for the future

  • nurture a love of literature through sharing quality books and stories

  • use ongoing assessment to inform and plan for individual student needs

  • provide literacy support P-6 for those students in need

Literacy conventionally refers to reading, writing, speaking, viewing, and listening effectively in a range of contexts. In the 21st century, the definition of literacy has expanded to refer to a flexible, sustainable mastery of a set of capabilities in the use and production of traditional texts and new communications technologies using spoken language, print and multimedia.

Students need to be able to adjust and modify their use of language to better meet contextual demands in varying situations.

Students will learn how language enables people to interact effectively, to build and maintain their relationships, and to express and exchange their knowledge, skills, attitudes, feelings, and opinions.

The study of English is built around three interrelated strands that support students’ growing understanding and use of English: language, literature and literacy.

National Curriculum Board, State of the Australian Curriculum

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